Outlook Express
Please note, that wherever you see SiteAxxess.com or SiteName.com that you should replace that with your domain name.

Outlook Express
1. Click on Tools and Choose Accounts.

2. On the Mail tab, choose Add -> Mail.

3. Enter your name and click Next.

4. Enter your e-mail address and click Next.

5a. Choose POP3 from the drop down box.

5b. Enter Mail.YourDomainName.com for the Incoming Mail Server.

5c. Enter Mail.YourDomainName.com for the Outgoing Mail server.

5d. Click Next.

6a. Enter your e-mail address for the account name.

6b. Enter your password.

6c. Click Next.

7. Click Finish.

8. Select the new account and click Properties

9a. On the Servers Tab, make sure the "My server requires authentication" is checked.

9b. Click Settings

10a. Click "Use same settings as my incoming mail server"

10b. Click OK.

If you are having issues sending mail, Check the other option here (Log on using) and re-enter your Account name and Password. Remember, your account name is your full e-mail address and your password is case sensitive.

11. Click OK

12. Click Close

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