User Friendly Website and e-mail Hosting

What's in a name?

In our case, a lot. Propriety isn't just our name, it's the way we do business!

1. A courteous act or courteous acts that contribute to smoothness and ease in dealings and social relationships: civility, courtesy, pleasantry, politeness.
2. Conformity to recognized standards, as of conduct or appearance: comeliness, correctness, decency, decentness, decorousness, decorum, properness, respectability, respectableness, seemliness.
3. The moral quality of a course of action: ethic, ethicality, ethicalness, morality, righteousness, rightfulness, rightness.
4. Socially correct behavior: decorum, etiquette, good form, manner, mores, p's and q's.


Propriety Solutions is a growing company focused on providing Web-centric business solutions that improve efficiency and quality of operations, increase revenue, or solve specific problems that do not fit easily into generic models.

Our goal is to provide quality service and deliver the best solutions possible by truly understanding your priorities, objectives, and business needs.

We have developed numerous custom web-enabled applications to streamline many different business processes such as staffing solutions, human resource management, e-commerce, information exchange and distribution, and systems integration.

With our custom solutions, we can help you to collect, store, report and distribute information efficiently and securely via a web interface. We can architect and develop solutions that will allow you to access information from your legacy systems and enable your employees, customers, vendors and partners to have the information that they need at their fingertips when they need it.

At Propriety Solutions, our highly skilled and diversified team, backed by years of industry experience, sets us apart from the rest. With backgrounds spanning many industries and areas of specialization, our team's skilled professionals are advocates for your objectives. We bring exceptional value to clients through lowered development costs and reduced time-to-market which helps improve the productivity and profitability of our clients.

Do not send emails to this email address. It is only here as part of an anti-spam test we are running: ReSeaRCH1@PRoPRieTy.CoM

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